
Peace on Earth – Create a dove for The Bar Convent’s Christmas display

The Bar Convent York

In recent years, The Bar Convent’s Christmas displays have brought a welcome festive warmth to York, and this Christmas is no different. With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, this year The Bar Convent has partnered with local charity New Visuality to create a display of origami doves – the symbol of peace and love – and you’re invited to be part of it. The doves will be displayed inside The Bar Convent, while professional artists will provide neon signs to hang alongside them.

Bar Convent Christmas

If you’d like to get involved by creating your very own dove, head over to The Bar Convent’s website where you will find instructions and a video. All doves should be dropped off by 5pm on Monday 21st November 2022. They will be on display from 29th November 2022.

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