Star Carr: Life After the Ice – A new exhibition at The Yorkshire Museum

Star Carr yorkshire museum york

Step back in time this spring at The Yorkshire Museum at their new exhibition, included in admission. Explore what human life was like 11,000 years ago, a few hundred years after the last Ice Age, through an exciting and interactive new exhibition called Star Carr: After the Ice, which brings together wonderful artefacts from one the most famous Mesolithic sites in the world. Star Carr, a site of international archaeological importance, is sometimes referred to as the ‘Stonehenge of the Mesolithic’.

star carr yorkshire museum

The incredible range of finds uncovered over recent decades has deepened our understanding of how people lived and the landscape they inhabited during the Mesolithic period (Middle Stone Age). Buried beneath layers of peat, the site in North Yorkshire provides evidence of the earliest houses, a place where hunter-gatherers settled and lived by what was once a large lake in a settlement that existed at a time when Britain was still connected to Europe.  

star carr yorkshire museum dog

Through creative design and sensory space-making, visitors will be immersed in the Mesolithic world of Star Carr through an interactive mural and soundscape. Children will also be able to follow the story of Star Carr through the eyes of a friendly dog who lived with the people by the lake.

Star Carr at The Yorkshire Museum – From 22nd March 2024 – Included in admission

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