Review – Aladdin at York Theatre Royal

york theatre royal aladdin review

If you’re trying to decide whether to see Aladdin at York Theatre Royal, here’s the short answer from our 10-year-old: ‘it’s the best panto I’ve ever seen’. She laughed and danced all the way through it, and pretty much danced all the way home. Oh, and that’s after seeing it for the second time in two days (once with school, and again for the press preview). As the designated grown-up, I loved it too (despite, or maybe because, of her whispering ‘I love this bit’ to me every two minutes). So that’s the official verdict, but here’s why we’d recommend it.

As always, York Theatre Royal delivers everything we’ve come to expect from their panto: dazzling dance routines, fabulous live music, stunning sets, hilarious local jokes and one of the country’s best pantomime dames, Robin Simpson, who is absolutely brilliant. Despite offering up our favourite elements, this year’s production feels fresh and exciting, thanks to a fun storyline and some new faces in the cast.

york theatre royal aladdin review

Expect plenty of surprises (one in particular is unforgettable, but no spoilers here), impressive physical comedy and laugh-out-loud routines. CBeebies’ Evie Pickerill shines as the Spirit of the Ring, while the three girls we took along fell in love with Emily Tang’s Jasmine. Sario Solomon is an energetic and charming Aladdin, and Paul Hawkyard is perfectly cast as the villain. There are plenty of groan-worthy puns, of course, but panto’s not panto without them.

york theatre royal aladdin review

York Theatre Royal’s panto has been such an important part of Christmas for our family for so many years that we always worry that it might not live up to our expectations. Thankfully, though, Aladdin hit the spot for all of us, from the adults to the teens to the 10-year-old. It’s a thoroughly fun festive night out for all ages – a Christmas wish come true.

Aladdin runs at York Theatre Royal until Sunday 5th January 2025

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