Here’s an easy, cooking-free recipe that will get you in the Easter mood. Zero points for nutrition but top marks for tastiness. We love a Mini Egg, but feel free to top with any Easter decorations of your choice.
- 8 Shredded Wheat, crushed in a bowl
- 350g milk chocolate
- 80g golden syrup
- 2 packets of Mini Eggs
- 100g unsalted butter
1. Put 12 or so cupcake cases onto a tray (we use a Yorkshire pudding tray to keep them upright and separate).
2. Put the butter and golden syrup in a medium sized saucepan and melt slowly, stirring until combined.
3. Add the chocolate chunk and stir with a wooden spoon until it has melted and turned into a nice smooth mixture. If it starts to go grainy or lumpy, don’t despair! Use a whisk to stir constantly until it becomes smooth again.
4. Take the pan off the heat and add the Shredded Wheat to the chocolate mixture. Mix until well combined and totally covered.
5. Spoon equal amounts of mixture into each of the cases and then place two or three Mini Eggs into the centre of each one.
6. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes to an hour.