In the unlikely event that you've got any Easter eggs leftover, this is a fun way to turn them into something else. We bashed up a few mini eggs and added some sprinkles, but get creative and use what you've got. Popping candy would be awesome, or a mixture of different types of chocolate (e.g. drizzling white chocolate over milk). It's a fun, simple activity, just don't blame us for the sugar rush!
- Leftover chocolate (we used 140g milk chocolate). Use whatever quantity you like, adjusting the toppings accordingly.
- Toppings of your choice (we used a handful of Mini Eggs, bashed, and some sprinkles)
1. Line a tray or dish with greaseproof paper.
2. Melt the chocolate either in the microwave (heat it in 30 second bursts, stirring in between, until it's smooth) or in a bowl over a pan of boiling water (make sure the water and bowl don't touch).
3. Pour the melted chocolate onto the paper in a rough bar shape, then add the toppings of your choice.
4. Leave in a cool place to set (but not the fridge), then cut up as you like.