
Kids’ graffiti workshops return to SPARK* York

Grafitti workshops spark york

Art of Protest Projects’ insanely popular spray paint classes are back at one of York’s most exciting venues. The AOP Projects team have teamed up again with SPARK* to deliver more exciting, hands-on, high-energy spray paint and stencil workshops designed just for kids ages 7+. With new and exciting stencils and themes, these classes are going to be a blast!

Professional street artists lead these jam-packed workshops and will teach your child the skills to design and spray paint their own unique piece of art to take home. Join the fun and leave with the confidence that will make Banksy proud!

Enjoy playing with colours, shapes and patterns, and learn the basic principles of design and can control. All materials and personal protective equipment will be supplied and a safety brief will be given prior to painting. Purely for safety reasons, these classes are strictly ages 7+.

There are four classes:

  • 15th August 2023, 9.30 to 10.15am and 10.30 to 11.15am
  • 16th August 2023, 9.30 to 10.15am and 10.30 to 11.15am

These classes are really popular, so you do need to pre-book.

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