Details of offer

Enjoy a free aquanatal class with Puddle Ducks York


You can start your Puddle Ducks journey even before your bundle of joy arrives. Experience the perfect balance of relaxation, laughter and exercise - a wonderful way to unwind and stay healthy in pregnancy. Puddle Ducks Aquanatal classes are a fabulous activity for mums-to-be. Their expertly designed Aquanatal programme takes a holistic approach to mums’ physical and mental well-being, combining relaxation with cardiovascular exercises to help prepare the body for birth. And once baby arrives, the familiar noise of the pool means they’ll be relaxed when you take them swimming too!

Mention Little Vikings for a FREE aquanatal class worth £9!

Terms & Conditions

New customers only; not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

How to redeem

Mention the Little Vikings Card offer when you book


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