
A new collection of short walks in the Yorkshire Dales

Aysgarth Falls 2

Judging by visits to our website to find inspiration for family walks in and around York, we’re not the only ones in the mood for a stomp around the countryside. We all know that the Yorkshire Dales is an amazing place for walking, but most parents will be familiar with the look of horror on their child’s face at the mere suggestion of going for ‘a nice walk’. In our experience, no amount of ‘you’ll enjoy it when you get there’ will have them bounding towards the car with enthusiasm. If we know one thing, it’s that getting the route right is key. If it drags on five minutes too long, there’ll be nothing but complaining, and any lovely memories you have from the start of the walk will be quickly erased.

Yorkshire Dales

That’s why we’re really excited by the new collection of short walks in the Yorkshire Dales, put together by the Yorkshire Dales National Park. There’s a great selection of walks that should be suitable for kids of all ages, whether they’re in a buggy or able to attempt something more challenging. There are also routes that are specifically buggy/wheelchair friendly and have no stiles to contend with. There are walks under two miles, three to five miles and up to ten miles. Whatever you choose to do, take more snacks and water than you think you’ll need…

Highlights from the Yorkshire Dales collection of short walks include:

Devil’s Bridge Wander – A short circular walk of up to two miles

Aysgarth Woods and Waterfalls – A short walk through the woods, returning by the spectacular Aysgarth Falls (up to 2 miles)

Malham Cove stile-free walk – Up to two miles without any stiles to contend with

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