
PQA is a weekend performing arts Academy providing tuition for children and young people from 4-18 years. Students spend three hours with us, rotating through hour-long sessions in Comedy & Drama, Musical Theatre and Film & Television. Students are split into groups according to their age and are taught by specialist expert teachers.

Classes run at Huntington School, York, YO32 9WT every Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon.

* MENTION LITTLE VIKINGS for 4 free weeks when people quote PQALITTLEVIKINGS in the ‘Any Other Information’ section of the enquiry form *

For more information, contact Principal James

Call -  07753179070
Email -
Website -

Class Times & Locations

All classes run at Huntington School, York, YO32 9WT every Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon

- PQA York Friday | Main Academy (6-18 year olds) 4.45pm-8.00pm

- PQA York Saturday AM | Main Academy (6-18 year olds) 9.45am-1.00pm | Poppets (4-5 year olds) 9.45am-11.30am

- PQA York Saturday PM | Main Academy (6-18 year olds) 1.45pm-5.00pm



4 to 18 years


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