City Cruises tours cancelled this weekend (and how to claim free tickets)

City Cruises York boat tour

Bad news: with the river levels rising, City Cruises has had to cancel their planned free river cruises for York residents as part of York Residents’ Festival 2024. Good news: there’s the chance to claim free tickets to enjoy a cruise later in the year! Here’s what you need to know.

City Cruises is extending a special offer to individuals with a YO postcode. Residents can contact City Cruises to receive two codes for a complimentary sightseeing cruise which must be redeemed online with a sailing date on/before February 9th, 2024, with a kind encouragement to purchase drinks from the
on-board bar or additional tickets for their cruise experience, as well as visit other local businesses. There are 500 tickets available, so be quick!

For residents with YO postcodes to claim two complimentary codes on a first-come, first-served basis, please email City Cruises at

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